THE Awards Arab World 2024

Entrants to the THE Awards Arab World 2024 featured many of the excellent individual projects and initiatives that help to drive the region’s relentless progress. In this publication, we shine a light on just those that our judges deemed the absolute cream of the crop – a difficult task, as we received well over 400 innovative and admirable entries from all corners of the region. So many of them were of such calibre that we very much hope to see updated entries next year.

The ethos of our awards is to identify, promote and celebrate the very best higher education stories, ensuring that the effort that individuals and teams put in day in, day out – transforming lives for the better as they do so – is given the broad recognition it merits.

In the past year, our awards have been honoured with a royal visit and a mention in a president’s state of the nation address. It’s tempting to flatter ourselves and think that we attracted that notice, but the truth is that it is the impressive work done by students, academics, administrators and institutions that catches the eye and wins the headlines. Which is how it should be. THE is proud that its awards help to spread news of those achievements well beyond campus gates.

– Phil Baty, chief global affairs officer, THE

The winners were announced on 5 December 2024 at a glittering ceremony in Dubai, UAE.

Below you will find the shortlist – click on a finalist’s name to read an abridged version of their submission.

You can also read an e-book profiling all the winners .

And if you were a finalist, you can download assets to help promote your success.

Watch the highlights video

International Strategy of the Year

Abu Dhabi University

Submission title or project name
Pioneering Global Impact: ADU's Journey of Internationalization
Nominee or key personnel
-Dr. Sherine Farouk -Mr. Bassam Murra -Ms. Noor Almasri -Mr. Amit Sharma -Mr. Ibrahim Louka -Ms. Allison Hamilton -Mr. Ibrahim Odhabi -Dr. Ghassan Aouad -Dr. Hamad Ebrahim Ali Odhabi -Mr. Stephen D'Cunha -Ms. Merlyn Kulapurath
Abridged submission
Abu Dhabi University (ADU) excels in global education, driven by innovation and excellence. Our international strategy has led to significant growth in student recruitment and diversity, reflected in our prestigious rankings. Accredited programs and faculty achievements contribute to our enriched research environment. ADU's global partnerships and engagement programs have expanded, promoting a global mindset. We actively address global challenges such as climate change through impactful initiatives. The newly developed policies have led to a substantial increase in student and faculty exchanges. Our commitment to fostering global citizenship is evident through initiatives like the "Global Mobility Hub” and “Certified International Study Abroad Program”. ADU's financial growth underscores our dedication to excellence. We eagerly anticipate competing for the title of "International Strategy of the Year" at the THE Awards Arab World 2024.
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Ain Shams University

Submission title or project name
Defying the norm: A new initiative for Ain Shams University to boost internationalization
Nominee or key personnel
Prof. Shahira Samir (Executive director of the International Relations & Academic Collaboration sector IRAC) Prof. Sherweit ElAhmady (Director of the International Students Mobility Office) Prof. Reem ElKabarity (Director of the Alumni Office) Prof. Tamer Elnady (Director of the Grants Office) Assoc.Prof. Ahmed Elbanna (Director of the international ranking office)
Abridged submission
No one can neglect that University internationalization is one of the cornerstones for highly ranked strong universities. Ain Shams University has always been the lighthouse for many novel initiatives adopted in Egypt. The International relations and academic collaborations (IRAC) sector highlights the best example of Ain Shams endeavors. This holistic sector includes 5 offices: international partnerships, international students and staff mobility, projects and grants, alumni, and international ranking, serving the university under one umbrella for the first time in any Egyptian university. The sector supports the university for global engagement to internationalize its culture, programs, and services striving for higher ranking and international visibility. In this presentation, we are going to show some internationalization success stories since the establishment of IRAC in 2020 highlighting our achievements in 2023. our target is to become the center for globalization of the university developing world-class citizens through intercultural exposure
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An-Najah National University

Submission title or project name
An-Najah National University’s International Strategy of the Year: A Comprehensive Approach to Global Collaboration in 2023
Nominee or key personnel
Dr. Amjad El-Qanni, Director of Academic and Professional Development Center, ANNU, Nablus Palestine Ms. Summer Abu Mughli, International and External Affairs Coordinator, ANNU, Nablus, Palestine
Abridged submission
In 2023, An-Najah National University (ANNU) embarked on a transformative journey to enhance its global presence and impact. Through a comprehensive international strategy, ANNU strengthened institutional partnerships, expanded overseas operations, and strategically recruited international staff and students. Notably, ANNU signed 28 agreements across 17 countries, fostering academic exchange and collaboration. The university's leadership role in UNIMED and successful scholarship programs underscore its commitment to global engagement. Virtual exchange courses engaged ~500 students, enhancing academic experiences. ANNU's international strategy has elevated its global profile and financial sustainability, positioning it as a leader in higher education innovation.
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Galala University (GU)

Submission title or project name
The First International Spring School on BioPhotonics applications
Nominee or key personnel
Mona Mostafa Mohamed, BSc., MSc., PhD. Professor of Cell and Cancer Biology Senior Academic Director for International Collaboration GALALA UNIVERSITY Galala City, Suez, 43511 Egypt Email:
Abridged submission
Internationalization is an important pillar of any university; it can play a very vital role in enhancing the global presence of the university, improving education and advance positive values worldwide. Galala University (GU) is keen to apply the concept of “global citizenship education” by establishing a dual degree with Arizona State University (ASU) university ranking # 1 in innovation, being a member in Cintana-Education organization that connect almost 22 international universities in precious academic responsibilities. GU is a partner in Harnessing Innovation through Virtual Exchange for Enhanced Results (HIVER) USA universities to advance academic pedagogical techniques. GU internationalization achievements is evident by sharing classes, best practices, mobility programs, joint research, publications and involvement of international experts in GU-system, and entrepreneurship education to improve quality of life. GU is unique model in higher education system of Egypt one of the countries with most higher education student populations (3.5 million).
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King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

Submission title or project name
KFUPM International Strategy
Nominee or key personnel
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
Abridged submission
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) remarkable transformation has distinguished itself among the leading educational institutions in the world. Its renowned mission is to be a leader in shaping and producing global talent for the national and global economy. The university’s global perspective is to navigate the dynamic landscape by promoting greater diversity among our students and faculty and fostering international academic and industry interlinkages. Our Office of International Cooperation (OIC) is responsible for managing our international initiatives. The office has an International Advisory Board (IAB) whose members include academic and corporate leaders who provide strategic insights on global trends. KFUPM boasts a diverse faculty from 63 countries and students of 64 nationalities that represent a vibrant community. Through global engagement and partnership with the government, the university aims to address and seek solutions to emerging challenges and drive economic growth.
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The University of Jordan

Submission title or project name
Enhancing Global Engagement: Digital Initiatives at the University of Jordan
Nominee or key personnel
His Excellency Professor Dr. Nathir Obeidat (President) Professor Dr. Faleh Sawair, Vice President for Global Rankings and International Accreditation Director of International Affairs Unit Dr. Sameh Alzubiedi Dr. Zaid Obeidat, Director of International Program, Alumni and marketing Unit Dr. Ala Saleh, , Director of International Program and marketing Department
Abridged submission
The University of Jordan has employed digital tools to expand global outreach and attract a diverse student body. Notably, an electronic partnership platform facilitates collaboration with international partners, and a comprehensive marketing plan leverages digital strategies to enhance the university of Jordan students’ recruitment efforts. The analysis of these digital tools revealed a 76% rise in activated agreements and MOUs, along with a recruitment increase of 10 nationalities, totaling 84 nationalities. The university commits to ongoing innovation to solidify its position as a leading higher education institution regionally and globally.
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University of Béjaïa

Submission title or project name
International cooperation and internationalization policy of Béjaia University
Abridged submission
In terms of international cooperation and internationalization policy, the University of Bejaia sets itself the objective of improving its position among world universities. In this perspective, two key actions will be undertaken, namely: - Strengthening international cooperation: the objective is to increase the number of agreements with foreign partners from different geographical areas. To do this, the university set selection criteria: the number and quality of agreements signed; the ranking and visibility of partner universities; as well as the geographical and geostrategic dimensions of the areas concerned. - Internationalization, attractiveness and mobility: The internationalization of actions, the attractiveness of the territory and mobility are major objectives of the university's cooperation policy. The mobility policy outlined consists of the creation of international semesters, the strengthening of summer universities, research and development scholarships, co-supervision agreements and the setting up of international projects and to carry out training exercises in collaboration with peers.
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University of El Oued

Submission title or project name
The university's strategy
Nominee or key personnel
Prof. Zabi Ammar
Abridged submission
The University of El Oued has showcased a dynamic international strategy that significantly enhances its global presence. With a strategic focus on collaborations, such as the Erasmus+ program, the university has facilitated extensive cultural and academic exchange, benefiting over 26,000 students and 1,080 faculty members. These initiatives not only enrich the academic experience but also foster intercultural understanding across diverse student bodies. Recognized as the first Algerian university to receive the "Study in Algeria" label, University of El Oued sets a high standard in international education, attracting students globally which boosts enrolment and financial stability. This recognition underscores our commitment to excellence in global education standards. Our successful international collaborations are evidenced by the Renewable Energy Development Unit and other research centers that align with global sustainability goals, reinforcing our role as a leader in innovative research. El Oued University is an example.
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Leadership and Management Team of the Year

Abu Dhabi University

Submission title or project name
Fostering Trust and Transparency: Our Management Team's Commitment to Stakeholder Inclusivity
Nominee or key personnel
-Dr. Ghassan Aouad -Dr. Hamad Ebrahim Ali Odhabi -Dr. Barry O'Mahony -Ms. Khulud Abdallah -Mr. Stephen D'Cunha -Ms. Merlyn Kulapurath
Abridged submission
The leadership and management team at Abu Dhabi University has distinguished itself as a driving force of innovation and excellence in higher education. Its Reputation Optimization Program, encompasses a holistic management approach based on key strategic pillars: Reputation, Research and Innovation, Industry Engagement, Sustainability, and Teaching and Learning, grounded in stakeholder engagement and institutional visibility. Sustainability was integrated as a core pillar, aligning with global and UAE commitments to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The leadership team maintains an active presence on social media, sharing their leadership approach and garnering a robust following on social media channels. Community engagement initiatives have strengthened its connections across all stakeholder groups including its students and alumni, and its worldwide network of academics and industry professionals. This approach to empowerment and engagement has led to many achievements in student enrolment, retention and success, research and innovation, reputation and visibility, and institutional rankings.
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Al-Quds University

Submission title or project name
Exemplary Governance in Higher Education: Al-Quds University Councils
Nominee or key personnel
University Councils (Senate), Al-Quds University
Abridged submission
Al-Quds University's University Councils (Senate) demonstrate exemplary governance, emphasizing transparency and participatory decision-making. Their annual live-broadcast meetings allow community-wide involvement, leading to increased trust and improved institutional performance. Our innovative governance model, marked by open dialogue and stakeholder engagement, sets us apart as a leader in higher education.
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Galala University (GU)

Nominee or key personnel
Mona Mostafa Mohamed, BSc., MSc., PhD. Professor of Cell and Cancer Biology Senior Academic Director for International Collaboration GALALA UNIVERSITY Galala City, Suez, 43511 Egypt Email:
Abridged submission
Galala University (GU), an Egyptian start-up, ranked first among Egyptian National Universities, 19th among all Egyptian Universities, and 55th in the Arab University Classification 2023 from 16 Arab countries. GU addresses quality assurance (QA) challenges through efficient leadership, governance, and stakeholder participation. GU's Teambuilding Day promotes strategic core values, while a new IT system monitors QA standards. The Digital Architecture Program revolutionizes QA fostering transparency and continuous improvement. GU has implemented a professional QA approach, assigning academics diverse tasks, and promoting QA awareness through workshops led by international reviewers. Stakeholder involvement in the QA process, such as experience-sharing workshops and internship programs, improves quality. Siemens Technology Day at GU offers insights into digital transformation and sustainability initiatives. GU students gain hands-on office experience through internship courses provided by Administrative Sciences, focusing on creative thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. Evaluations are based on student presentations and supervisors' evaluation templates.
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King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

Submission title or project name
KFUPM Leadership Direction
Nominee or key personnel
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM)
Abridged submission
Sustainability and inclusion are not always the principal focus of the local community whether globally or regionally, particularly when thinking about individual actions one should take, however, KFUPM has utilized its position as a thought leader to enable community members in Dharan and Saudi Arabia to think about their direct impact on societal problems. Through a shared vision, empowered by Dr Al-Saggaf, KFUPM and its management team has led the way to attract more female students into STEM related areas, has fostered a multinational approach on and off campus, and has reimagined the academic structure to include sustainability at its core, that involves the community and its members. Through direct action within the community, members of society are now fully aware of changes they should take to improve such things like energy consumption, as well as getting involved in university projects.
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Middle East College

Submission title or project name
Leadership Development
Nominee or key personnel
Prof. Ahmed Nawaz Hakro Dr. Asif Hussain Shaik
Abridged submission
1. Middle East College (MEC) has received Oman Authority of Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Education (OAAAQA) with exceptional scores both in teaching and research performance. Hence, this recognition reflects MEC commitment to maintain excellent academic standards and to foster a culture of excellence in education and research. 2. MEC strategic plan is closely aligned with oman 2040 vision, enhancing the promotion of knowledge and innovation. The institution prioritizes research and innovation, contributing significantly to the national goal of advancements in education, inquiry, and innovation. 3. MEC stands out for its transdisciplinary research and innovation focus. The commitment of the institution to foster a research culture among students and staff is evident from its research strategy encouraging high – quality research output. 4. The collaboration of MEC with other institutions and organizations indicates MEC’s commitment to knowledge sharing and pooling resources for impactful research.
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Palestine Technical University – Kadoorie

Submission title or project name
Empowering PTUK's Global Reach: The Role of the International Relations Office
Nominee or key personnel
Dr. Yousef_Awwad Daraghmi Dr. Mutamed Khatib Prof. Rana Qubaj
Abridged submission
The International Relations Office at PTUK, established in 2023, serves as a central hub for managing and fostering international partnerships. It facilitates strategic collaborations with over 100 international organizations, focusing on capacity-building projects, research initiatives, and student mobility programs. The office governs project implementation, ensuring alignment with university values and donor regulations, while maintaining transparency in fund utilization. Through successful project management, PTUK has elevated its global profile and financial position, attracting more partnerships and funding opportunities. These collaborations have led to academic enhancements, including specialized labs and new graduate studies, strengthening PTUK's reputation as a leader in education and research. Moreover, the office's impact extends to the community, fostering positive outcomes through knowledge transfer and infrastructure development.
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Tanta University

Submission title or project name
Advancing Institutional Governance at Tanta University
Nominee or key personnel
Tanta university president Prof. Mahmoud Ahmed Zaki The Main Center for Institutional Performance Prof. Dina Hassan Abdelhady, CEO International Ranking unit Dr. Mohamed Elsheshtawy Salem, Ranking Unit director Mr. Hazem Elsayed
Abridged submission
At Tanta University, our leadership team excels in innovative governance and strategic foresight, setting high benchmarks that enhance our institutional performance and leadership on a global scale. Our robust Key Performance Indicator (KPI) system across faculties, sectors, and hospitals measures and improves operations from academic outcomes to community engagement, fostering a culture of excellence. This year, we implemented an awards system that aligns with higher education benchmarks to reward and motivate faculties towards exemplary performance in research, teaching, and service, significantly raising our standards and driving institutional progress. These initiatives have led to notable increases in research output, student satisfaction, and financial efficiency, reinforcing our leadership in the MENA region and our readiness for future educational challenges. Tanta University continually sets new standards in educational leadership, proving that our innovative approaches not only meet but exceed global expectations.
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University of Al-Qadisiyah

Submission title or project name
Leadership and Management Team of the Year 2023 Al-Qadisiyah University
Project URL
Abridged submission
Improvement Over Standard Practices in the Sector Our leadership practices go beyond standard measures by emphasizing proactive problem-solving and inclusive decision-making. For instance, our approach to faculty development focuses not only on academic achievements but also on teaching effectiveness and student engagement, setting a new standard in academic staff development.
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Most Innovative Teacher of the Year

Abir Enany, Misr University for Science and Technology

Submission title or project name
'Sustainable Development of Cultural Heritage Sites' Initiative
Nominee or key personnel
I would like to highlight the cooperation of my colleagues Dr. Radwa Omar, Dr. Ahmed Ibrahim, and Ms. Mariem Elsawy for their efforts that greatly contributed to the success of the initiave.
Abridged submission
In Spring Term 2023, I used a a novel approach in delivering the course of ancient Egyptian Middle Kingdom archaeology that made it more appealing and comprehensible for my students. This course content is relatively less intense than other archaeology courses, making it less stimulating for the students who are accustomed to more challenging content such as those of the great pyramids of the Old Kingdom, or the magnificent temples of the New Kingdom. My plan was to turn the topics of the curriculum into sustainable development projects with each site being assigned to a group of students to develop. The development included proposing rearrangement of the sites’ logistics, creating economic and social schemes to improve the local community’s life conditions, and creating cultural and recreational events and activities. In the ceremony where the projects were presented, the positive outcome on the students knowledge, awareness, and personal skills was unmistakable.
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Amer Hijazi, Al-Ahliyya Amman University

Submission title or project name
Better Together, Dr. Hijazi as Compass of Distinguished Constructor
Nominee or key personnel
Dr. Amer Hijazi, Al-Ahliyya Amman University community
Abridged submission
Dr. Amer Hijazi is recognized as one of the top 10 influencers at Al-Ahliyya Amman University, transforming educational norms by engaging students as active participants, significantly impacting SDGs like quality education and sustainable cities. His innovative teaching includes Software Clinics that mirror industry standards and emphasize creativity over conventional metrics. With academic and industrial experience in Jordan, the UK, and Australia, he enriches his teachings, facilitating cross-cultural exchanges and addressing real-world challenges such as affordable housing in Jordan. Hijazi's classrooms are vibrant communities where learning is celebrated with academic showcases, enhancing collaboration. He also mentors students in career preparation and participates in their business ventures, creating a dynamic, real-world applicable learning environment. Recognized in the I.C.I.S. Education Global report and awarded the COVID-2021/22 Teaching Stars Award, Hijazi promotes educational methodologies globally, demonstrating the value of collaboration in developing international standards like AS7739.2, embodying the ethos of 'Better Together'.
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Fatma Alzahraa Abdelsalam Elkhamisy, Helwan University

Submission title or project name
Fostering Engagement and Inclusion of Native and International Students: Innovative Teaching for Large Medical Classes
Nominee or key personnel
Fatma Alzahraa Abdelsalam Elkhamisy Assistant Professor of Pathology (Lecturer) and Director of the International Students Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt
Abridged submission
Traditional teacher-based pathology education in large, diverse medical classes reduces students' engagement and hinders knowledge application. This submission describes innovative, interactive teaching methods designed to address these challenges, empowering native and international students. The nominee, internationally recognized for her excellence in pathology education and working as the director of the International Students Unit at the faculty, implemented a continuous cycle of student-centered methods emphasizing clinical relevance, diverse learning styles, and motivation theories. Gamified learning environments, digital tools, collaborative work, peer teaching, and reflective learning were tailored to the learning context and employed to overcome resource limitations. The transformation was implemented in lectures, practical classes, formative assessments, assignments, and extracurricular activities. The approaches and tools implemented demonstrably improved student learning, increasing motivation, enhancing higher-order thinking skills, boosting self-efficacy, and fostering inclusion for international students. The nominee's commitment extends beyond the classroom, sharing these methods through international publications, workshops, and conference presentations.
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Ibrahim Issa Al Balushi, National University of Science and Technology, Oman

Submission title or project name
Innovation in Engaging and Supporting Students
Nominee or key personnel
Mr. Ibrahim Issa Al Balushi, Senior Lecturer and Lead for Entrepreneurial and Incubation Activities and Chair of Curriculum and Learning Resources Committee at the College of Engineering, who is passionate about making positive change in the higher education by empowering and engaging students at various project for the purpose of developing their competence. In collaboration with partnering organizations, he initiated and led serval projects that developed the entrepreneurial and employability skills of students and alumni. Additionally, leading various academic related projects of SDGs, Oman Vision 2040 and 4IR Skills mapping to enhance the teaching-learning practices at the university.
Abridged submission
Mr. Ibrahim Issa Al Blaushi is a passionate faculty member who is the lead for Entrepreneurial and Incubation activities and Chair of Curriculum and Learning Resources Committee at the College of Engineering. He is positively influencing students’ university life by initiating and leading programs that support their entrepreneurial and employability skills including SDGs, Oman Vision 2020 and 4IR Skills mapping, Company Program, Incubation Centre, and Ruwad Club. As a result of his innovative teaching strategies and support provided to students, Ibrahim is the winner of Academic Excellence Award of the Best Teacher at the College of Engineering in 2021. He is contributing to national projects of entrepreneurship course development, judging of North Batinah Award and facilitating entrepreneurship programs with industry. He made a very positive change in the learning-teaching practices at the university by initiating and leading SDGs and 4IR Skills mapping and the project of disseminating graduate attributes.
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Mohamed Amin, Alamein International University

Submission title or project name
Community Participation in Developing Modern Egypt
Nominee or key personnel
Dear THE Awards Arab World 2024 committee members, My name is Mohamed Amin. I am an associate professor and social responsibility activity coordinator at Alamein International University (AIU) I teach core pharmacy classes at Alamein International University, Egypt. (Pharmacy Orientation and Medical Terminology, Pharmacy Management, Pharmacoeconomics, Pharmacy Skills and Patient Counseling) and a university elective entitled "Community Participation in Developing Modern Egypt." Since obtaining my PhD at the University of Wisconsin in 2013, I have worked as a faculty member in the US, Egypt and Lebanon
Abridged submission
I teach "Community Participation in Developing Modern Egypt", a university-wide elective that I taught in the Spring, Summer, and Fall of 2023. I use a flipped classroom model along with game-based learning and project-based learning. While I continue to find multiple choice questions helpful, I feel that for this course, the responses to case studies, and the quality of the projects they plan to be a better testimonial of whether I was able to equip them with the competencies needed. Even better, a real sense of satisfaction is felt when you see/hear of a student joining a university organization or an NGO as a volunteer to practice what they learned. My favorite moment in the semester comes towards the end when I feel that a student filling an evaluation has started considering how they positively impact their community, or that they acquired the tools to do so.
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Mohamed Ismail, Egypt University of Informatics

Submission title or project name
The most innovative teacher
Nominee or key personnel
I would like to nominate myself as the most innovative teacher of the year. I am Dr. Mohamed Ismail. An assistant professor and the lead of the physics group at Egypt University of informatics (EUI). In addition to be the student activities coordinator at the Faculty of Engineering. I have a PhD in Nuclear Engineering from Kansas State University (KSU), USA, master's and bachelor's degrees from Zagazig University, Egypt. I have an expectational commitment to teaching since I was a college student and enhanced that with a diploma I got from Teaching and Learning Center at KSU
Abridged submission
Educator with a passion for physics began teaching in college, enhancing peers' learning. Graduated second in his department, pursued a PhD in Nuclear Engineering at Kansas State University, USA, while engaging with innovative teaching methods. On returning to Egypt, taught at various universities, enhancing his adaptive teaching strategies. Developed a mobile app for interactive student feedback and real-time understanding assessments during large lectures in addition to conducting live show for students inside lectures. Engages beyond the classroom; leads faculty initiatives supporting students’ academic, social, and psychological well-being. Founded a popular YouTube channel, extending his educational reach globally, particularly in the Arab world, becoming the most viewed physics channel there. Also counsels the IEEE-EUI student branch, bringing international recognition through events and competitions. Recognized with several awards for outstanding teaching and leadership, his educational influence expands across beyond Egypt and the Arab world.
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Rami Abdullah Wahsheh, Princess Sumaya University for Technology

Nominee or key personnel
Rami Abdullah Wahsheh
Abridged submission
My objective as a teacher is to help students understand the topic and learn to teach themselves beyond structured learning by teaching students basic problem-solving skills. To encourage the students towards continuous learning, knowledge exploration, problem-solving, and to link learning outcomes to course content with the skills demanded by the job market, I changed my approach to recording lectures to connect the examples provided to students with practical, real-world applications. I adopted new technologies in teaching and learning. In pursuit of this goal, I continuously participate in diverse workshops aimed at better preparing our university graduates for the ever-evolving demands of the job market. Also, I consistently obtain feedback from students to assess and enhance the educational environment to meet students' evolving needs and the labor market's expectations, which has an impact on increasing the graduate students’ employment rate, which reaches 93% within the first six months of graduation.
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Zahy Ramadan, Lebanese American University

Nominee or key personnel
Dr. Zahy Ramadan
Abridged submission
As an academic coming from a professional background with 20 years of experience in marketing across the Middle-East, Gulf and Asia Pacific regions, I believe in an omni-learning approach that is based upon (1) constant high engagements, (2) interactive scenario building, (3) emulation of the marketplace, (4) embedding own one’s progressive research in the curriculum, and (5) practicing the theory (i.e. learning by doing). Learning should be an immersive and dynamic experience, whereby, each classroom session should spark the student’s curiosity to be complemented with additional exposure outside class time. This is made possible through the integration of my own newly published academic research into the case studies, which discuss new disruptions and technologies that are affecting the marketplace and companies. These, alongside the newest brands’ campaigns and strategies, are integrated in the classes through role-plays, interactive case studies debates, live simulations and virtual reality (VR) demonstrations.
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Outstanding Contribution to Entrepreneurialism

Alamein International University

Submission title or project name
Entrepreneurialism in AIU
Nominee or key personnel
Prof. Hesham Gaber
Abridged submission
Alamein International University (AIU) is one of the new fourth-generation universities established in 2020 in Egypt to offer high-quality education and training that balances graduate skills and knowledge within an efficient and sustainable institutional framework. At AIU, innovation is one of our five main strategic pillars. The main goal of AIU is to embed innovation into all strategies establish AIU as an open innovation institution and space through collaboration with national and international professionals, scientists, and entrepreneurs. To achieve such goal, we have worked in three directions: an academic course has been designed to provide students with basics of entrepreneurship. Secondly, we established a dedicated entrepreneurship student club responsible for offering relevant workshops. Finally, we have made several agreements with famous entrepreneurship stakeholders to participate in several regional competitions. We believe that we will be able to contribute efficiently to economic prosperity, societal well-being, and a brighter future.
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American University of Sharjah

Submission title or project name
Technology and Engineering Product Design Program (PDP)
Nominee or key personnel
My name is Dr Lutfi Albasha and I am the lead of the Product Design Program of the College of Engineering at the American University of Sharjah. This program was launched to help students evolve their senior design projects into products through start up training. I also like to acknowledge the support of the college of engineering dean Dr Fadi Aloul. Lutfi Albasha (lalbasha, 00971-50-1732688 Fadi Aloul (
Abridged submission
The Product Design Program (PDP), is a College of Engineering's (CEN) innovation initiative for Fall 2023, and serves as an mentoring program aimed at enhancing the engineering students' experience. Functioning as an incubator for student ideas, the PDP assists students in conceptualizing, developing prototypes, and establishing startup trademarks. It also provides training in planning, including budgeting and sourcing, and helps students pitch their ideas to potential investors. The program started to work closely with Sharjah research park (SRITP) and is in discussions with Dubai Design District In5. It also involves workshops, seminars, and consultations with business experts, ensuring a comprehensive entrepreneurial learning experience. The initial projects of the program include a logistics intermediary application for secure and cost-effective solutions, a robotic approach to waste management, an academic management service, and a design automation based on AI. Automate-AI has received its first seed funding from an investor.
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Highly commended

Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST)

Submission title or project name
E-JUST efforts for Entrepreneurship Support
Nominee or key personnel
E-JUST self nominates itself.
Abridged submission
The Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST) is a research-oriented university established through a bilateral agreement between the Egyptian and Japanese governments in 2009. Since its beginning, E-JUST has been equipped with outstanding research facilities and only outstanding scientists were recruited as faculty members. E-JUST has been capitalizing on its outstanding personnel and exceptional infrastructure to boost through R&D the value added of industries in Egypt, Africa and the Middle East as well as to support innovative ideas start-ups and spin-offs through its incubator. Currently, E-JUST offers entrepreneurship courses to all registered students. The incubator offers support to the all university affiliates as well as individuals from the community. The support includes awareness sessions, mentorship, expert support, and capacity-building opportunities through a user-friendly virtual platform. A number of start-up companies have already been established. E-JUST was honored to be the top ranked Egyptian University in the 2024 THE WUR.
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Euromed University of Fez

Submission title or project name
Uninnovation : Fostering a change dynamic through Entrepreneurship - Euromed University of Fes
Nominee or key personnel
Professor BOUSMINA Mostapaha Professor BOUNAHMIDI Tijani Ms BOUHLAL Ghada Mr AMEUR Omar Mr KASSOU Jalaleddine Ms BOUSMAHA Imane
Abridged submission
Euromed University Of Fes's Project emanates from a Royal Initiative with the desire to create in Fez a higher education and research framework based on intercultural dialogue, exchange and cooperation between the two shores of the Mediterranean, with a natural extension towards Sub-Saharan Africa, while offering excellent training and conducting very high-level scientific research in close connection with the socio-economic world. Through its particular character, the UEMF contributes to the development and strengthening of regional integration in the Europe-Mediterranean-Africa area through the academic, scientific and cultural prism and the mobility and exchange of students and teachers - researchers. Our ambition is to make the UEMF a major player in the production of highly qualified human capital for the creation of knowledge, know-how and wealth through innovation and entrepreneurship.
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German Jordanian University

Submission title or project name
Entrepreneurialism, Innovation and Technology Transfer
Nominee or key personnel
Prof. Alaaldeen Al-Halhouli - President Prof. Malek AlSharairi - Vice President Dr. Abdelrahman Zuraik – President Advisor for Innovation, Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship Dr. Nidal AlShawawreh – Dean of Innovation Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship Prof. Rami AlAzrai – Dean of Scientific Research (DSR) Dr. Samer Alabed – Accreditation and Quality Assurance Department Director (AQAD) Dr. Osama Saadeh – President Advisor for Sustainability Ms. Karma Kanaan – Accreditation and Quality Assurance Administrator (THE Rankings and Awards Contact Person)
Abridged submission
Believing in the importance of Entrepreneurialism, the German Jordanian University has embedded it in its Vision and Mission and designated a specific strategic pillar for nurturing research, innovation, and entrepreneurship. A key initiative regarding Entrepreneurship, is establishing the first dedicated Deanship in Jordan for Innovation, Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship to introduce the model of Applied German University in addition to establishing its first Incubator for incubation services, organizing training and hackathons, funding, and connecting entrepreneurs with investors. GJU also established Innovation Lab/ Internet of Things Lab that provide design, digital and technological services to support realizing ideas. GJU offers Innovation and Entrepreneurship courses and initiatives for Academics, Administrators, students, and local community, and leads and incubate ideas to become Start-ups, it leads dual study programs to connect academia with industry and embed entrepreneurship in its study plans with more than 90 industrial partners which leads to high-level students and employability.
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King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)

Submission title or project name
TAQADAM Startup Accelerator
Nominee or key personnel
KAUST Entrepreneurship
Abridged submission
The TAQADAM Startup Accelerator is a pioneering initiative with a mission to empower founders to push the boundaries of what's possible and create meaningful change through entrepreneurship and innovation. Driven by the collaborative efforts of King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) and Saudi Awwal Bank (SAB), TAQADAM has been supporting startups since 2016, making it one of the longest-running university accelerator programs in the GCC. Over the past 7 cohorts, the startup has supported 245 Saudi and MENA-based startups with 607 founders, of whom 38% are women. Startups from the program have raised over $218 million USD in venture capital funding. The Accelerator provides founders with mentorship, workshops, networks, and up to $140,000 in non-dilutive funding to accelerate their businesses.
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King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

Submission title or project name
Nominee or key personnel
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
Abridged submission
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) has a vision to make a difference within Saudi Arabia and beyond in sciences, engineering, and business fields. KFUPM fully embedded entrepreneurship and innovation within its culture and curriculums across all colleges. Through the KFUPM Entrepreneurship Institute (KFUPM-EI), four major initiatives are organized: Entrepreneurial Emerging Leaders Acceleration (EELA) and KFUPM Exponential focus on imparting entrepreneurial knowledge and fostering innovation. These two initiatives are coordinated by Center for Entrepreneurship Education. The Center for Business Incubators (CBI) provides resources and mentorship for successful startup launches, while the Center for Entrepreneurship Studies enhances programs through research and industry insights. Additionally, KFUPM-EI collaborates with colleges to educate undergraduates on entrepreneurship through a digital business foundation scheme. Since 2019, KFUPM-EI has facilitated the establishment of 33 startups, generating over 25 million SAR and creating over 100 jobs, significantly contributing to Saudi Arabia's economic growth.
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Mansoura National University

Submission title or project name
Entrepreneurial pharmacist for better career
Abridged submission
Our commitment to entrepreneurialism stems from the belief in pharmacists' pivotal role in healthcare and economic growth. We've initiated diverse programs to nurture entrepreneurial mindsets and equip students for success. As pioneers, we established the E-Club, fostering student innovation. Collaborating with the Arab Academy for Science and Technology, our Mentors Group for Entrepreneurship pairs students with industry mentors. We offer comprehensive entrepreneurship training covering various aspects, ensuring students' readiness for ventures. Beyond academia, we organize events like industry round tables, workshops with national banks, and awareness campaigns, fostering hands-on experience and networking opportunities. Partnering with industry and academic institutions, including Egypt Air and Baheya Hospitals and Egyptian Drug Authority, we've developed protocols for innovative healthcare solutions. Proud of our role in fostering innovation, we are dedicated to empowering the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders.
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Outstanding Contribution to Environmental Leadership

Al-Balqa Applied University

Submission title or project name
Innovative Smart Agricultural Practices ……. Reality and Challenges
Nominee or key personnel
Prof. Amal Al-Abbadi, Dean of Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Dr. Issam Qrunfleh, Vice Dean of Dean, Eng. Rola Al-Taleb , Prof. Dr. Ahmed Fakhry Al-Ajlouni President , Prof. Haitham Al-Shibly Vice President
Abridged submission
The Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FAT) has launched an initiative for innovative smart agricultural practices to address sector challenges. With limited resources and declining soil fertility, the FAT has implemented creative solutions to enhance productivity and sustainability. Compost production from organic waste has improved soil quality, reduced water usage, and increased agricultural output. Aloe vera cultivation with low water requirements has been initiated, along with the production of Aloe vera soap and gel. Beekeeping has also been expanded, with a focus on enhancing flower pollination and agricultural yields. To support innovation in agriculture, the FAT has introduced the Smart Organic Agriculture Technology/Technical Bachelor's, preparing students for sector challenges. Partnerships with private companies and organizations have been established through the Agricultural Conference: Innovative Agriculture for Food Security. A Smart Agriculture Unit has been created for practical learning. The FAT continues to seek collaborations for afforestation, environmental systems, and capacity building projects.
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Ibn Tofail University

Submission title or project name
Toward Water Autonomy: The Water Treatment Project at Ibn Tofail University
Abridged submission
In a country facing water scarcity and climate change challenges, Ibn Tofail University took a bold stance, addressing these issues with innovative solutions. Their flagship project, a wastewater treatment station developed in collaboration with WATEC, showcased their commitment to sustainability. With a capacity of 200 m3/day, the station not only made the university self-sufficient in waste treatment but also pioneered the use of treated water for campus irrigation. Beyond campus borders, the project's impact extended region-wide, reducing water pollution, protecting public health, and promoting environmental awareness. Notably, the university's dedication led to the construction of a wastewater treatment station in Tafinghout, demonstrating their unwavering commitment to positive environmental change. Ultimately, Ibn Tofail University's project symbolized visionary leadership, innovation, and a steadfast commitment to a brighter, more sustainable future.
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King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)

Submission title or project name
KAUST Coral Restoration Initiative (KCRI)
Nominee or key personnel
Prof. Mark Gillan, Associate. Vice President, Technologies and Special Projects
Abridged submission
The KAUST Coral Restoration Initiative (KCRI) in the Red Sea showcases KAUST's commitment to transferable innovative environmental solutions. Funded and developed by KAUST, the project's primary focus is on restoring, enhancing, and preserving coral reef ecosystems. Phase 1 of the project is underway and will be the largest coral restoration project in the world, representing a significant step towards restoring reefs globally. Ambitious targets for 2030 include restoring 100 hectares of coral reef and outplanting 2 million corals at Shushah Island in NEOM. The project brings together KAUST research and global innovations, such as developing a digital twin for coral reefs and heat-blocking coral solutions to protect from bleaching. KCRI also invests in capacity building by nurturing nascent marine biologist talent through programs like the Saudi Talent Development Program.
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Nile University

Submission title or project name
Development and Manufacturing of Soft Actuated Under Water Robots (SUWR)
Nominee or key personnel
Prof. Ahmed Gomaa Radwan (Professor, Vice President for Research & Dean of Graduate Studies at Nile University, Egypt)
Abridged submission
The project's objective is to support researchers in acquiring a deeper understanding of the condition of Egypt's marine areas to facilitate the development of more effective strategies to ensure their preservation. The project has developed several significant soft robotic prototypes, including a soft robotic fish inspired by the Pangasius fish. The project has also investigated different types of manufacturing, materials, and actuation methods to obtain the best solution for underwater soft robot manufacturing. The soft robotics knowledge has been transferred to other undergraduate students and researchers in Egypt through workshops and conferences. The project has established a soft robotics hub in Nile University and supervised four master theses in Mechatronic and Microelectronics System Design related to the challenges in modeling, control, sensing, and manufacturing of soft robotics. The project's results demonstrate significant achievements in developing, publishing, and applying soft robotic technologies in Egypt.
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October University for Modern Sciences and Arts University (MSA)

Submission title or project name
Realtime Water Quality Network for Monitoring and Analyzing Marine Pollution Egyptian Made- Umum Drain as Case Study in Alexandria
Nominee or key personnel
Dr.Said Mabrouk Dr.Waleed Elnahaal Eng.Ahmed Tawfik Eng.Mahmoud Gaafar Eng.Elsayed Elkady Dr.Ahmed Elnemr Dr.Mohamed Hassan
Abridged submission
The October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA), in collaboration with the National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries and funded by the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, has designed and implemented an automated network for monitoring and analyzing pollution in the Mediterranean Sea waters by creating Realtime monitoring network for the water quality level of agricultural and industrial wastewater that cover the main stream part of Umum Drain before its water entering Mariut lake and finally discharged into El Mex Bay, located west of Alexandria, Egypt. The station monitors and records various elements such as pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen , temperature, pH, and others. These data are collected through a central software unit that displays, interprets, and analyzes the data from all stations connected to the network and calculates a water quality index according to Egyptian environmental law.
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Qatar University

Submission title or project name
MENA Business Schools Alliance for Sustainability (MEBAS)
Nominee or key personnel
The College of Business and Economics, Qatar University
Abridged submission
Business schools play a pivotal role in advocating for sustainable business practices. The MENA Business Schools Alliance for Sustainability (MEBAS), comprising fifteen AACSB accredited institutions, aims to address unique regional challenges by fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange. Launched by Qatar University's College of Business and Economics, MEBAS facilitates seamless cooperation in curriculum, research, and community engagement. By leveraging the talent and resources of member schools, MEBAS endeavors to remain at the forefront of sustainability education and drive sustainable practices across the broader business community. Students and faculty from these fifteen colleges are actively participating in a myriad of activities, including workshops, competitions, conferences, collaborative research projects, and community-building efforts. Colleges are building strategic partnerships with key stakeholders from outside academia. Together, we are not only nurturing a vibrant community of scholars but empowering the next generation of business leaders to shape the future of sustainability in the region and beyond.
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The British University in Egypt

Submission title or project name
COP Simulation
Nominee or key personnel
The success of the COP Simulation is attributed to the hard work of an outstanding academic and professional team, led by Dr. Sarah Elkhishin- Head of COP Simulation. The operational team put together operational plans, communication media and marketing, logistics, and students’ engagement plans. This is in addition to handling partnerships and international relations. A fine academic team oversaw selecting participants, coordinated capacity building and supervised the grading process and the assignment of roles of the delegates. Finally, the Student Union had an outstanding role, in organization, logistics, events and site trips, ensuring the COPsimulation is enjoyable at all fronts.
Abridged submission
The COPSimulation, an annual youth-led climate conference organised by The British University in Egypt and the UNDP, brings approximately 130 students worldwide to simulate the COP. Two versions were implemented: COP27simulation and COP28simulation. Activities: two-week online capacity-building programme, research on climate and environment , Mock Conference, attending the actual COP. The COPsimulation empowers youth with (1) knowledge and transferable skills in climate literacy and international climate action, diplomacy, negotiations and conflict resolution. (2) cultural exposure: participants from diverse backgrounds meet and interact. (4) youth present their Declaration at real COP sessions (Blue and Green Zones), thus enhancing their leadership skills. Fellows are engaged in the design and implementation of the project to utilise creativity and innovation skills. The COPsimulation platform is knowledge-sharing hub to ensure sustainability and transferability of outcomes. The impactful initiative aligns with University Strategy priorities: supporting SDGs and engaging students to become future leaders and change agents.
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The University of Jordan

Submission title or project name
Nature Based Solutions for Domestic Water Reuse in Mediterranean Countries
Nominee or key personnel
Prof. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh
Abridged submission
The intervention is one of the pilot projects that carried out within the NAWAMED project (Nature Based Solutions for Domestic Water Reuse in Mediterranean Countries), a research project funded by the EU ENI CBC MED programme aimed at demonstrating the technical and economic feasibility of nature-based solutions for treating non-conventional water resources in schools, universities, and public facilities. The pilot foresees the greywater treatment from the dormitory facilities (showers and washbasins) in the students Dormitory (Al-Zahra’a) of the University of Jordan through a green wall technology, the Green Facade type. The green facade, consisting of trenches planted with specific vegetation and climbing plants, collects water percolating through the wall and collecting it in a tank for reuse. The system effectively stores and disinfects water for toilet flushing and irrigation, recovering up to 1,530 m3/year, with significant parameter and outlet value removal within local norms.
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Outstanding Contribution to Regional Development

Al-Kitab University

Nominee or key personnel
Al-Kitab University is the first university in Iraq to launch the Encyclopedia of University Women, which aims to highlight the role of successful university women as researchers, as teachers, and as influential women who have an imprint on society. They are selected according to many conditions and controls, including the number of distinguished research papers published in high-quality journals, as well as the number of awards they received. Patents, distinctive contributions that serve society, etc.
Abridged submission
Al-Kitab University is the first university in Iraq to launch the Encyclopedia of University Women, which aims to highlight the role of successful university women as researchers, as teachers, and as influential women who have an imprint on society.
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Al-Quds University

Submission title or project name
Uniting for Change: Over a Million Hours of Volunteerism at Al-Quds University
Nominee or key personnel
Al-Quds University - Community Engagement and Volunteerism Initiative
Abridged submission
Al-Quds University has significantly impacted regional development through over one million hours of volunteerism. By coordinating 9,000 volunteers in local municipal collaborations and another 8,000 in non-profit partnerships, the university has addressed key community needs in education, health, and the environment. These efforts have improved infrastructure, promoted sustainable practices, and enhanced social welfare across Jerusalem. Al-Quds University's approach exemplifies how structured volunteerism can lead to substantial community advancements and a strengthened civic spirit. This model of engagement highlights the university's role as a leader in societal transformation and development.
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ESLSCA University

Submission title or project name
MBA Governmental Program
Nominee or key personnel
Ministry of Planning and Economic Development: ESLSCA University was selected by the Egyptian Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, to offer a unique transformational MBA program for the selected group of future leaders in governmental institutions. The governmental MBA program was offered to 300 government officials as a pilot phase. After the success of the pilot phase, the program is offered to additional 1500 government officials with full and half funded scholarships that worth around 4M Euros. Till date the program was conducted to 1703 government officials.
Abridged submission
ESLSCA University, a prestigious higher educational institution in Egypt that offers high-quality education with diverse graduate and undergraduate programs, aiming to bridge the skills gap and preparing young professionals for the job market. With a commitment to addressing global challenges, the University developed a unique government-tailored MBA program for local and regional public sector employees aiming to prepare and enable change agents in the governmental and public sector companies. To date the program was offered to 1703 government officials from 31 out of 33 Egyptian ministries, with over 565 graduates achieving career advancements, including roles as assistant ministers and leaders in restructuring units. It has also facilitated knowledge transfer, empowering graduates to make regional impacts. The program's impact is endorsed by high-ranking officials, including the Minister of Planning & Economic Development and the Prime Minister. This program exemplifies impactful community engagement, promoting educational excellence and public service transformation.
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Galala University (GU)

Nominee or key personnel
Mona Mostafa Mohamed, BSc., MSc., PhD. Professor of Cell and Cancer Biology Senior Academic Director for International Collaboration GALALA UNIVERSITY Galala City, Suez, 43511 Egypt Email:
Abridged submission
As a national university, Galala University is deeply ingrained within its community, actively promoting and encouraging its faculty and students to consistently contribute across multiple dimensions to achieve regional development. In order to attain contemporizing historical landmarks in Egypt, “I-Heritage Project” was employed, to develop the historical area surrounding the pyramids to restore the historical sites through ICT. At the same time, GU catalyzed the "Abbas Bazaar, Recovery Lab of Port Said" to help preserve the community's rich history. Regarding societal sustainability and governance, GU aimed to empower students by encouraging them to participate in Egyptian community initiatives. Students at GU won the second prize in the Youth Development Initiative, participated in an initiative that inaugurated digital media literacy in Suez Region and they also organized the Nanoscience Symposium. The GU societal projects attained community's recognition among media channels and stakeholders regarding their integral impact on the Egyptian community.
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Ibn Tofail University

Submission title or project name
Sustainable Water and Energy Project: An Initiative of Ibn Tofail University in Sidi Taibi region
Abridged submission
In the arid region of Sidi Taïbi, access to clean water was a daily challenge for Al Anouar High School. However, a glimmer of hope emerged through an initiative by Ibn Tofail University (UIT). They established an innovative water treatment station, powered by renewable energy, to convert local brackish waters into a safe and clean water source. This station also provided electricity, enabling students to access solar energy even during power outages. The impact was significant: water-related illnesses decreased, academic performance improved, and new learning opportunities became available. Beyond its practical utility, the station became a symbol of progress and innovation, attracting the attention of researchers and students. In 2023, it continues to serve as a beacon of hope and progress, demonstrating the power of technological innovation and community collaboration in addressing the most urgent challenges.
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New York University Abu Dhabi

Submission title or project name
NYU Abu Dhabi Office of Social Responsibility
Nominee or key personnel
Liria Gjidija, Director, Global Outreach and Programs Department of Global Education, NYU Abu Dhabi
Abridged submission
New York University Abu Dhabi has pioneered a groundbreaking international social responsibility program focusing on adult education and tailored to the needs and aspirations of the 800+ contracted workers from over 25 countries employed at the NYU Abu Dhabi campus. The workers include our security guards, groundskeepers, housekeepers, technicians, food and beverage staff, domestic caretakers, and more. This initiative stands out as the inaugural program of its kind in the Middle East North African (MENA) region, setting a precedent for educational excellence and integrating a non-traditional adult learners into our academic mission. Our Program offers a comprehensive program of educational opportunities that meet the expressed educational and social needs of contracted workers employed by NYUAD and domestic workers employed by our NYUAD community members.
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Qatar University

Submission title or project name
Catalyzing Change: Qatar University's ANIC Seeds Interprofessional Collaboration Across the Arab World
Nominee or key personnel
Chair: Alla El-Awaisi, Qatar University Coordinator: Sawsan AlMukdad, Qatar University Executive Committee: Drs • Mahmood Adil, Ministry of Public Health, Qatar • Shireen Suliman, HMC, Qatar • Mohammed Almansour, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia • Ali Alqahtani & Mohammed Alnaami, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia • Susan Waller, United Arab Emirates University, UAE • Eman El-Labbad, Gulf Medical University, UAE • Michèle Kosremelli Asmar, Université Saint Joseph de Beyrouth, Lebanon • Said Al Harthy, Higher Institute of Health Specialties, Oman • Maha Habre & Naser Al Sharif, Lebanese American University, • Zaid Al Hamdan, Jordan University for Science & Technology
Abridged submission
In response to the critical need for interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPECP) in the Arab region, Qatar University (QU) established the Arab Network for Interprofessional Collaboration (ANIC). Stemming from QU’s leadership and commitment to advancing healthcare education, ANIC has transformed the regional landscape. Originating from QU's 2015 conference on Interprofessional Education, ANIC emerged to address the absence of a regional network in the Global Confederation for Interprofessional Education. Since then, ANIC has grown into a recognized regional force, culminating in its official launch during the third Interprofessional Global Partnership Symposium in November 2023. With over 200 active members, ANIC fosters inclusivity and innovation, advocating for IPECP excellence. Its initiatives, including webinars, training programs, and research projects, highlight its commitment to sustainable growth. ANIC's upcoming second regional IPE Conference in October 2024 further signifies its dedication to advancing interprofessional practices in the Arab world.
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The University of Jordan

Submission title or project name
Toward an All-Inclusive Jordan Initiative
Nominee or key personnel
Dr. Rawan AlHeresh, Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Jordan
Abridged submission
Toward an All-Inclusive Jordan” aims to bridge the gap in rehabilitation services for people with disabilities in Jordan, where access is limited. This initiative, housed in the University of Jordan, is a partnership between academic institutions and community stakeholders. It aligns coursework with community needs, focusing on occupational, physical, and speech therapy. Students collaborate with locals in villages and camps, training community health workers and conducting research. Despite societal stigma and logistical issues, the initiative has trained over 50 students and 35 health workers, impacting over 1000 families. Their approach emphasizes community involvement to reach those most in need. Through careful planning and organization, they have achieved measurable improvements in the quality of life for people with disabilities in Jordan, as evidenced by a 2.6-point increase on a 0-5 scale.
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Outstanding Support for Students

American University of Sharjah

Submission title or project name
An Integrated Ecosystem for New Students in Engineering
Nominee or key personnel
Dr. Assim Sagahyroon and Ms. Rasha Tawfik College of Engineering, American University of Sharjah
Project URL
Abridged submission
To better support first year students entering college of engineering at the American University of Sharjah, CEN with the assistance of the Academic Support Center (ASC) on campus engaged its first year’s students in a series of programs and activities meant to make the transition into college life an enjoyable and rewarding experience. They include: Academic Support Center (ASC) ASC Academic Thrive Program (ATP) ASC First Year Experience (FYE) program ASC Peer Mentors ASC Student Success Workshops Engineering Learning Center (ELC) The objective is to serve all engineering undergraduate students throughout their academic journey, regardless of their range of background high school experiences and their different cultural approaches to learning.
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Ibn Tofaïl University

Submission title or project name
Abridged submission
Recognizing the importance of diversity and inclusivity, Ibn Tofail University established the Space for Students with Disabilities (2ESH), providing tailored support and ensuring equitable access to resources and opportunities. Key to its success is the HANDI-AMENAGEMENT Platform, simplifying registration and identifying needs. Additionally, the BENEVOLAT platform facilitates student integration. It is a leading force in Moroccan universities. Thanks to its efforts, its projects, and its innovative technologies, UIT enabled the first remote doctoral defense for a visually impaired Sudanese student. In 2023, UIT launched the first sports professions bachelor for SwD. Two SwD broke barriers by securing top positions in 2023 in their departments. The 2ESH offers not just accommodations, but affirmation of the inherent worth and potential of every SwD. The success of this initiative serves as inspiration, affirming that with support and determination, all goals are within reach.
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King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

Submission title or project name
KFUPM Irshad Platform
Nominee or key personnel
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
Abridged submission
Introduced in October 2019, the IRSHAD platform by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) revolutionized student support. Offering comprehensive assistance in academic, psychological, health, behavioral, financial, and social domains, IRSHAD facilitated over 1,400 cases in 2023 alone, with several cases documenting students with less than 1 GPA progressing to become honor students after receiving assistance through the platform. What sets IRSHAD apart is that it is provided free of charge, highlighting KFUPM's commitment to accessible support services. The platform's success is evident in overwhelming student feedback and improved access to vital information across university departments. IRSHAD's referral system and integration with key university units ensure seamless support interventions. IRSHAD underscores KFUPM's commitment to fostering a supportive environment for student and staff well-being.
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Palestine Ahliya University

Submission title or project name
Education for All: From the Rays of Knowledge we Carve Hope
Nominee or key personnel
Dr. Imad Alzeer Dr. Ahmed Abdou Dr. Fayez Abu Amria Eng. Hanan Ikhlaiel Dr. Mousa Ajouz Mr. Jiries Abo Ghannam Mr. Basim Itmezi
Abridged submission
The initiative responds to the education crisis affecting about one million students globally, including approximately 88,000 in the Gaza Strip who have been unable to attend university for over six months due to military conflicts. This digital university model offers online and in-person education, providing free e-learning facilitated through platforms like Zoom, recorded lectures for accessibility, and integrated digital assessments. The program has registered over 3,100 students across 300 courses at Palestine Ahliya University, ensuring educational continuity and academic excellence despite challenges such as internet and power disruptions. The initiative uses electronic Internet chips and a flexible exam system to overcome technological barriers. Focusing on sustainability, the initiative aligns with the Sustainable Development Goal to provide inclusive and equitable quality education. It plans to upgrade its technology for future resilience and expand its capacity to reintegrate students affected by conflicts, promoting universal education accessibility.
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Qassim University

Submission title or project name
Rehabilitation programs and support for deaf and hard-of-hearing students
Abridged submission
Qassim University designed the current program as an intensive rehabilitation program for deaf and hard-of-hearing students. The ultimate goal of this program is to provide the required support for those students to complete their university studies, integrate into social life, and enhance their future job opportunities. This program is important due to: 1) The weakness of some deaf and hard of hearing students in sign language and how to practice it. 2) The absence of some basic principles and skills among some students regarding dealing with technology. 3) Some deaf and hard-of-hearing students are isolated from society due to lack of necessary experience and skills. In addition, the support activities involved in this program are: 1) Academic support activities. 2) The Remedial Lessons. 3) Arabic Lessons. 4) Technical Education. 5) The psychological counseling. 6) The social guidance activities. 7) The development support.
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Taibah University

Submission title or project name
Counseling Services Automation project
Nominee or key personnel
Members of the Student Care Center at Taibah University
Abridged submission
The University Counseling Services Automation project is an electronic university counseling service aimed at facilitating students' access to university counseling services and improving the quality of service provided to them, in partnership and cooperation with the university's Information Technology Deanship. These services include academic counseling, career counseling, and psychological and social counseling, which are offered with complete confidentiality while maintaining the privacy of the students. The project aims to save time and effort for students applying for these services, as working with physical files takes much longer than working with digital files. It is faster to search and can be accessed from anywhere. This means that operations can be completed and these services can be provided more quickly and with fewer staff members. It also improves access to these services for students with disabilities, which previously required many processes and personal attendance at university offices.
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University of Warith Alanbiyaa

Submission title or project name
University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa impact on region
Nominee or key personnel
Professor Dr. Ibraheem Saeed (President), Dr Waqed Hammed, Dr Abdullah Sagar, Sheikh Abu Mehdi, Mehak Zahra Naqvi
Abridged submission
Empowering Students Affected by Terrorism: Rebuilding Lives Introduction: In regions plagued by terrorism, education is a lifeline. Our initiative prioritizes the Displaced and War victims form Iraq and beyond offering: Full scholarships for orphans and affected families Highly subsidized accommodation (w.r.t market-rate), meals at half the regular market price and free transportation.. Also offering free accommodation, meals and transportation to help out our international students from lower and lower-middle income countries (EMEA). Full fee and free accommodation for orphans via our partner orphanage (NGOs) Mental health services and career development opportunities Measurable Success: Over 500 students benefited from scholarships, with 3% employed within our organization. Job quotas arranged in our parent organization Differentiators: Tailored support, unwavering commitment, and strategic partnerships set us apart, ensuring no student is left behind.
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Zayed University

Submission title or project name
The CIS Flipped Learning Model
Abridged submission
Our Flipped Learning Model is a pioneering approach to student support. It emphasizes active learning and continuous feedback to ensure that students engage deeply with course materials, fostering their growth and development. The feedback process is woven seamlessly into the learning journey, with a focus on collaborative learning and transparency. The Flipped Learning Model has significantly improved student outcomes and satisfaction levels, making it a distinct initiative worthy of recognition in the Outstanding Support for Students category.
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Research Project of the Year: Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Al-Ahliyya Amman University

Submission title or project name
Towards a Sustainable University Campus: The case of Al-Ahliyya Amman University (AAU) in Jordan
Nominee or key personnel
Dr. Saba Alnusairat, Dr. Amer Hijazi, Prof. Anas Ratib ALSoud, Prof. Eman Al Nazly
Abridged submission
Al-Ahliyya Amman University (AAU) in Jordan is a leading example of sustainable development in universities within the Middle East. Recognizing the environmental impact of universities, AAU implemented a multi-phase project to establish a framework for sustainable campuses. The project, "Towards a Sustainable University Campus," examined AAU's social aspects, physical facilities, and various sustainability areas like energy, water, and waste. This resulted in a strategic plan, "AAU Sustainable Development Programme," which aims to create a green built environment and enhance student life through resource optimization and a healthy campus environment. AAU's commitment is further demonstrated by the Sustainability Steering Committee and the Sustainability Development Office. The committee develops university-wide sustainability policies, while the office provides consultations, promotes awareness, and manages research projects. Additionally, AAU is transforming its courtyards into a sustainable living lab to improve student well-being. AAU's efforts position it as a role model for sustainable development in universities.
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American University of Sharjah

Submission title or project name
Engaging Emirati Youth in Their Heritage Through Immersive Virtual Reality Project
Nominee or key personnel
Sohail Dahdal
Abridged submission
The Participatory Action Research (PAR) project, led by Professor Dahdal, uses immersive storytelling to connect young people with their history. It involved a collaboration of three years with thirteen undergraduates to create an innovative VR documentary, "Emirati Stories," depicting pre-oil Emirati tales within a virtual Sharjah Fort. Funded by an American University of Sharjah grant, the project explores immersive media's efficacy, the impact of student involvement in PAR, and serves as a non-traditional research output. The project, exhibited worldwide, operates on the Meta Quest Pro VR headset. It aims to engage youth with their heritage by merging past and future. Preliminary results suggest VR documentaries as effective engagement tools. The project, grounded in ethnographic action research, saw students involved in all creation stages, resulting in an internationally showcased work that uses cutting-edge technology to reimagine history.
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Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport

Submission title or project name
ARtifact World
Nominee or key personnel
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Nahla Ahmed Belal Email: Prof. Dr Mohamed Essam Khedr Email: Team Leader: Habiba Amr Team Members: Ali Said Mohamed Haggag Mostafa Tarek Yara Ahmed Ziad Ahmed
Abridged submission
Tourism experience is facing a lot of challenges; thus, tourism promotion needs to find alternative method to keep up with the digital age as well as utilizing the rich historical museums. Since all the available applications doesn’t include any innovative ideas. In this project, we propose to develop a deep learning and augmented reality (AR) mobile application for museums. The application will utilize deep learning techniques to recognize and identify artifacts in the museum's collection, and overlay AR content such as images, videos, and audio to enhance the tourist's experience. The mobile app will feature an easy-to-use interface for visitors to access the Augmented Reality (AR) features and Deep Learning model (Convolutional Neural Network). The model will be trained to recognize and identify the artifacts, and the 3D model will be used add more media. In addition to leveraging Text to Speech (TTS) to information in audio.
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New York University Abu Dhabi

Submission title or project name
Women and Science: Trust my Competence (Not My Gender!)
Nominee or key personnel
Luca Maria Pesando, Ph.D. - Associate Professor of Social Research and Public Policy and Associate Program Head, New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) Valentina Rotondi, Ph.D. - Professor, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI), Switzerland
Abridged submission
STEM-related fields are instrumental in reducing the skills gap and narrowing occupational segregation. Despite this, women are still under-represented across them. Gender-based stereotypes are important determinants of women’s under-representation in STEM, and scientific research is a field in which gender-based stereotypes are particularly evident. Similarly, trust in science and scientists is essential to highly differentiated societies, where knowledge is specialized and complexity growing. Leveraging a survey experiment across five different countries with 5,800 parents and their children, this project explores gender-based stereotypes towards scientists. We find that the UAE is the country with the highest level of trust towards science and female scientists. Furthermore, in the UAE and Israel there is no evidence of gender-based stereotypes, while in other countries respondents are significantly less willing to update wrong beliefs when provided information by females. Lastly, parents’ stereotypes profoundly shape children’s stereotypes, yet this is less the case in the UAE.
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Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University

Submission title or project name
Adopting HyFlex Course Design: Actions for Policymakers, Researchers, and Practitioners
Nominee or key personnel
Tahani Aldosemani
Abridged submission
Our research addresses the pressing need for a thorough examination of HyFlex course design within higher education. Conventional courses often have limitations in accommodating the diverse needs of students, prompting a quest for alternative instructional models. HyFlex, with its integration of online and in-person elements, emerges as a flexible solution. Our primary objectives revolve around investigating the efficacy of HyFlex in promoting active and transformative learning experiences. The results of our study unveil HyFlex's potential to significantly enhance educational accessibility, student engagement, and the cultivation of critical thinking skills. Our proposed strategies for implementation offer valuable insights for stakeholders seeking to adopt HyFlex models. Ultimately, the broader society stands to benefit from improved educational outcomes and enhanced workforce preparedness. Thus, our research provides a conceptual review of existing literature, supplemented by insights from experts through a Delphi study and providing a HyFlex Course Delivery Modality plan.
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The Arab Institute for Women (AiW) at the Lebanese American University (LAU)

Submission title or project name
Countering Backlash: Reclaiming Gender Justice
Abridged submission
The Arab Institute for Women (AiW) at the Lebanese American University (LAU), in collaboration with the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), has embarked on a 5-year project under the title “Countering Backlash: Reclaiming Gender Justice.” In light of trends seeking to reverse the gains harvested for women’s rights and gender equality and to reduce the civic space for progressive movements, the project aims at creating the necessary knowledge and identifying opportunities for women’s rights organizations and gender justice advocates to counter the backlash and address the erosion of gender objectives. The AiW is working under the three strands of “Voice,” “Patriarchy,” and “Policy and Practice” in order to address the backlash, the erosion of gender policies, and find new opportunities for feminist impact.
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University of Mosul

Submission title or project name
Preserving the Disappearing Cultural Heritage of Post-War Mosul
Nominee or key personnel
The team from 4 universities work in the Preserving the Disappearing Cultural Heritage of Post-War Mosul with various activities within 3 years between ( workshops, symposium, training, exhibitions, site visit, publication, reporting, and website managing, and competition. the team included team of researchers from University of Mosul (Iraq), Nottingham Trent University (UK), Leeds University (UK), Wasite University Iraq,
Abridged submission
the research project aims to construct a data platform for the tangible and intangible cultural heritage elements of old Mosul city and enhance the nearly graduate students to give more attention to their culture. the project included various steps due three years starting from workshops, training courses, site work, data collection, documentation, modelling, exhibitions, symposium, researches, reports, and website. to be available for researchers and the public. the project was done by the University of Mosul and the University of Wasit in Iraq, and Nottingham Trent University and Leeds University in UK supported by the British Academy various organisations help to give training and support to the project such as ICCROM and the Architectural Engineering department professors in the college of the Engineering University of Mosul.
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Zayed University

Submission title or project name
Researching and Producing 'An Gorta Mor: Passage to India'
Nominee or key personnel
Dr. Ian Michael Professor Marketing College of Business Zayed University Dubai United Arab Emirates
Abridged submission
The poignant documentary ‘An Gorta Mór: Passage to India’ written and co-produced by Ian Michael tells the migration story of John Footman, who, as a 21-year-old in 1847 escaped famine-ravaged Clonakilty, County Cork, for India. John eventually settled in Madras (now Chennai) and created his own Irish-Indian family. The story of John Footman as told in the film is also the personal history of the writer’s great-great-great-grandfather. Nearly two hundred years later Ian Michael journeys to Ireland to reflect on the meaning of his Irish-Indian heritage. During An Gorta Mor (The Great Hunger) which took place between 1847-82, Ireland lost a quarter of its population to death and migration, millions braved the seas to seek a better life in Canada and the USA. Yet John was among the few Irish nationals to travel as far as India and begin a unique Irish diaspora there.
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Research Project of the Year: STEM

Abu Dhabi University

Submission title or project name
Salsal: Safeguarding Cultural Heritage Using Blockchain Technology and NFTs
Nominee or key personnel
-Dr. Adel Khelifi -Dr. Mohammed Ghazal -Dr. Hamdi Mustafa Sheibani -Dr. Ghassan Aouad -Dr. Hamad Ebrahim Ali Odhabi -Mr. Stephen D'Cunha -Ms. Merlyn Kulapurath
Abridged submission
Cultural artifacts serve as vital links to our past, preserving our collective memory and enriching our understanding of human history. Our remarkable research project, "Salsal: Safeguarding Cultural Heritage Using Blockchain Technology and NFTs", addresses the threats of looting, illegal trade, and disputes over ownership to safeguard cultural heritage. Our objectives were twofold: developing a robust system for verifying artifact authenticity and establishing a secure method for tracking ownership history using blockchain technology. Salsal, a collaborative effort with institutions across Europe and the Middle East, achieves these goals. Supported by a grant from the ministry of education, Salsal is integrated into a course on AI and Cultural Heritage, currently taught to Master and senior students. Its innovative features combat artifact theft, fostering trust in cultural institutions worldwide. Our work, recognized by CNN and published in Heritage Science, signifies excellence in STEM research with profound implications for global heritage preservation.
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Al-Ahliyya Amman University

Submission title or project name
The Global Influence of AAU - Shaping Smart Cities International Standardization (AS 7739.2)
Nominee or key personnel
Dr. Amer Hijazi, Prof. Anas Ratib ALSoud, Prof. Jamal Al-Nabulsi, Dr. Nidhal Saada, Dr. Sandra Matarneh, Dr. Saba Alnusairat
Abridged submission
Al-Ahliyya Amman University proudly stands as the first MENA region institution to contribute to the AS 7739.2 standards for digital engineering, enhancing smart city projects globally. Through Dr. Amer Hijazi’s expertise, the university collaborates with prestigious partners across academia, industry, and government to develop these transformative standards. AS 7739.2 promotes seamless integration of digital solutions, aligning with critical SDGs to foster sustainable, efficient urban environments. Additionally, the standard has been integrated into the university's master's engineering programs, preparing students for leadership in digital transformation. This initiative exemplifies our commitment to advancing global digital engineering standards, demonstrating significant international impact. Feedback is currently being collected from companies and partners involved in developing and implementing the standard, with the aim of refining its impact. This strategic approach could significantly boost the standard’s adoption both nationally and internationally, promoting a collaborative approach to enhancing business, commercial, and sustainability models through strategic digitalization.
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American University of Sharjah

Submission title or project name
Multidisciplinary Research Empowering Innovative Solutions in Gas Sensing Applications
Nominee or key personnel
Dr. Mehdi Ghommem and Dr. Rana Sabouni College of Engineering, American University of Sharjah
Abridged submission
The interdisciplinary research project deals with the development of miniature sensors able to detect environmental pollutants and toxic gases: an innovation that could revolutionize multiple industries and improve the quality of life for many. To achieve this goal, we have integrated different technologies in our research. These include sustainable synthesis methods for nanomaterials, which is the eco-friendly and sustainable techniques to produce Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) without hazardous chemicals or toxic solvents, and MEMS technology, a process technology used to create tiny integrated devices that combine mechanical and electrical components. In this project, we implemented a gas sensor to quickly detect CO2 leaks. We successfully demonstrated the functionality of our sensor in detecting CO2 gas and its potential deployment to monitor the air quality in indoor environments and other industrial applications. This is crucial for addressing environmental issues and ensuring compliance with regulations and safety measures.
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Euromed University of Fez

Submission title or project name
Advancing Sustainable Manufacturing: M3DTP's Eco-Friendly 3D Printing Program
Nominee or key personnel
Pr BOUSMINA Mostapha Ms HANNACHE Rim Mr MAAIZI Mustafa Mr TAHIRI Mostafa
Abridged submission
The Advancing Sustainable Manufacturing project, initiated by M3DTP at Euromed University of Fès (UEMF), aims to utilize 3D printing technology for eco-friendly manufacturing. Objectives include developing sustainable approaches, reducing waste, and promoting eco-friendly materials. Challenges include sourcing such materials and optimizing printing parameters. Research efforts have successfully reduced waste and minimized the carbon footprint. Economic benefits include reduced costs and improved product lifecycle management. The project's outcomes have potential global impacts, inspiring wider adoption of sustainable practices. It positions M3DTP as a leader in eco-friendly 3D printing, fostering future research and collaborations. The establishment of the Additive Manufacturing and Prototyping Platform enables ongoing innovation. Future goals include expanding partnerships with aerospace, automotive, and biomedical industries. By championing sustainability in 3D printing, M3DTP and UEMF demonstrate the societal benefits of environmentally conscious practices.
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National University of Science and Technology, Oman

Submission title or project name
Bio-hydrogen production from food waste using iron oxide catalyst in dark fermentation
Nominee or key personnel
Dr.Shabib Sulaiman Al-Rashdi Prof. Dr. Md. Sohrab Hossain
Abridged submission
The depletion of fossil fuels is causing a growing interest in alternative energy sources, particularly hydrogen. Hydrogen, with a 2.75 times higher energy content than fossil fuels, offers a promising alternative. However, challenges include feedstock prices and suitable conversion technology. Currently, 96% of hydrogen is generated from fossil fuels. However, food waste can be used as a cheap substrate for hydrogen generation, promoting sustainable waste management and clean energy generation. This presents an opportunity to compete with rising energy demand and the depletion of fossil fuels.
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Nile University

Submission title or project name
Sugarcane waste (bagasse pulp) into sustainable, safe packaging & food packaging products
Nominee or key personnel
Dr. Irene Samy Fahim Gabriel (Director of the Smart Engineering Systems Research Center (SESC), and Associate Professor at the Industrial Engineering department at Nile University, Egypt.)
Abridged submission
“Sugarcane waste (bagasse pulp) into sustainable, safe packaging & food packaging products” A sustainable approach to exploit the benefits of the sugarcane crop and produce wealth from waste. Reducing the carbon print in production, the project is based on an innovative drying and forming process (IP rights and patents underway). This method reduces energy and water use in the manufacturing process by about 50% and reduces several logistical steps including the transportation and treatment of raw materials. Environmentally, Sugarcane absorbs more carbon dioxide during its life cycle than almost any other plant. The research suggests that expanding sugarcane production could reduce global carbon dioxide emissions by up to 5.2% The project also gives a new investment dimension to the Bagasse pulp industry in Egypt, which is currently based on the declining paper market. Egypt produces about 3 million tons of Bagasse annually, ranked 9th on the world.
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University of Technology, Iraq

Submission title or project name
Cooperation project HydroDeSal: Forward Osmosis Desalination by Thermo-Responsive Hydrogels for Small Villages Close to the Persian Gulf
Abridged submission
This project targets to develop membrane-based- and membrane-free FO desalination processes (MbFO and MFFO, respectively) by developing charged, thermo-responsive hydrogels and new membranes. The targeted desalination approach should be suitable to serve as a basis for designing desalination setups on a lab-scale, aiming at a prototype-scale capacity as well as at capital and operation plus maintenance costs smaller than those of existing desalination plants. With these characteristics, the target method should be suitable for providing fresh water for small villages close to salty water sources like seawater and can thereby be considered as a local solution for water scarcity, which is a global challenge specifically emergent in the Middle-East region
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Zewail City of Science and Technology

Submission title or project name
Photonic threshold alarm tool for water pollutants
Nominee or key personnel
Egypt Team (Center for Photonics and Smart Materials, Zewail City of Science, Technology, and Innovation) Team Members 1. Prof. Salah Obayya (Egypt team leader). 2. Prof. Mohamed Farhat. 3. Dr. Bahaa Younes. 4. Dr. Ahmed Abdelqader. 5. Dr. Yusuf Gamal. 6. Eng. Nada Yazeed. UK Team (University of Nottingham) Team Members 1. Prof. Angela Seddon (UK team leader). 2. Prof. Trevor Benson. 3. Prof. Mark Farries 4. Prof. David Furnies 5. Dr. Sendy Phang
Abridged submission
This research project was the fruit of a very strong longstanding collaboration between the UK and Egyptian teams. The two teams worked together on a previous Institutional Link project recently funded by the British Council. Benson (UK-PI) and Obayya (Egypt Co-PI) have met frequently at conferences for over 20 years and have regular contact via their journal editorial and conference organization duties. Obayya is a Special Professor at the UoN and Benson has been a Visiting Professor at Zewail City since 2017. This project aimed at sensing serious water pollutants which is very important in the agricultural sector and for human health in Egypt. The obtained results in this project were reported and presented in two journal publications and two conference proceedings where two different optical sensors for water pollution detection were introduced and analyzed based on optical fibers and photonic crystal fiber platforms.
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Student Recruitment Campaign of the Year

Abu Dhabi University

Submission title or project name
Shaping Futures: ADU's Pioneering 20th Anniversary Campaign
Nominee or key personnel
-Mr. Bassam Mura -Ms. Laila Kroma -Mr. Amit Sharma -Ms. Noor Almasri -Dr. Ghassan Aouad -Dr. Hamad Ebrahim Ali Odhabi -Mr. Stephen D'Cunha -Ms. Merlyn Kulapurath
Abridged submission
ADU’s 20th Anniversary campaign redefined higher education marketing, departing from traditional methods. The tagline “20 years of shaping the future” embodies our ethos of fostering leadership through knowledge and wisdom. Unlike typical recruitment strategies, our approach engaged a wide range of stakeholders, including students, alumni, parents, partners, staff, and faculty. Chancellor advocacy further promoted our institution's uniqueness. Embracing a diverse audience, our multi-faceted strategy utilized kick-off videos, partner messages, and faculty spotlights. Customized recruitment plans offered diverse career exploration avenues. The student hub streamlined enrollment with personalized support. Leveraging media channels, our campaign showcased achievements and inclusivity through impactful videos and social media formats. By highlighting international diversity, we appealed to a broader student base. Through personalized narratives and global representation, we established emotional connections, emphasizing our commitment to excellence and inclusivity.
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American University in Cairo

Submission title or project name
Recruiting the Best : The AUC Excellence Scholarship Program
Nominee or key personnel
Student recruitment is primarily led by the Office of Enrollment, Admissions, and Student Service Center and collaborates with the Office of Student Financial Affairs & Scholarships. The marketing and communication office also support the student recruitment team.
Abridged submission
The American University in Cairo is a strong proponent of making high quality world-class education accessible to outstanding students regardless of financial status. Since excellence is multifaceted, in 2023 AUC launched a new student financial support model; the AUC Excellence Scholarship Program which became an integral student recruitment tool. The program considers both merit and financial need, while the former being a necessary eligibility factor. The program is utilized for recruiting diverse students who excel in various fields, come from different socio-economic backgrounds, graduate from different high school education programs, and come from different parts of Egypt and the world. It has six strategically designed categories; Academic Achievement, Talent, Leadership and Community Service, Liberal Arts Majors, National Certificates, and International Diversity. The categories are stackable thus could provide a total tuition coverage of 20% up to 100% throughout the student’s journey at AUC on condition of meeting applicable maintenance criteria.
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An-Najah National University

Submission title or project name
Student’s Excellence and Empowerment Journey Campaign “Nawwarat An-Najah”
Nominee or key personnel
Mr. Ahmad Al Sarghali, President’s Advisor for Public Relations and Marketing Communications; E-mail:
Abridged submission
An-Najah National University launched the "Nawwarat An-Najah" campaign in 2023/2024, aiming to attract, retain, and support students. Amid Palestine's challenges, it offers hope to high school graduates, showcasing the university's environment and motivating academic excellence. Through scholarships and stories of success, it fosters communication and community engagement. Innovative marketing, including social media and influencer partnerships, reached over 15 million. Welcome kits greeted 5,000 newly admitted students, and cultural events drew crowds. The campaign's name, "Nawwarat An-Najah," gained traction, symbolizing student brilliance. It continues to focus on student-centric initiatives and inclusivity, actively involving students with disabilities. Post-graduation, tailored support aids graduates' transition, especially in fields like artificial intelligence.
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Heriot-Watt University Dubai

Submission title or project name
Climate Hub - Heriot-Watt University, Dubai
Abridged submission
The Climate Hub campaign, launched during COP28 in Dubai, significantly boosted student applications with a 30% increase in enrollments. It emphasized the university's commitment to sustainability and education, securing over 12 million impressions and 347 new enrollments globally through digital campaigns. Hosting King Charles III and other influential figures as well as cleantech startups furthered international impact, highlighted by widespread media coverage. Targeted media campaigns showcased the university's programs, attracting diverse prospective students and affirming the campaign's effectiveness in meeting objectives. This success underscores Heriot-Watt University Dubai's leadership in sustainable education and global outreach.
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King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

Submission title or project name
From Dhahran to the World: The KFUPM Explorers/Ambassadors Program
Nominee or key personnel
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
Abridged submission
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) stands at the forefront of fostering academic excellence both locally and globally through innovative campaigns and initiatives. The Deanship of Student Affairs (DSA) initiated the KFUPM Explorers/Ambassadors Program to promote greater diversity within its community and promote global engagement. It aims to empower students as explorers/ambassadors of the University's unique spirit, to learn, discover, and engage meaningfully with diverse communities worldwide. KFUPM Explorers is a program tailored for outstanding undergraduate senior achievers, while Ambassadors are graduate students who travel to various campuses globally, exchanging academic and cultural activities to inspire and encourage students and collaborators to join our community. The program enabled us to achieve a more diverse and dynamic community bringing the total number of 1600 international students of 64 nationalities with a significant rise from regions previously underrepresented in our student body.
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Port Said University

Submission title or project name
Innovative Strategies in University Recruitment: Broadening Horizons and Embracing Diversity
Nominee or key personnel
- Prof. Dr Rawya Rizk, Vice-President for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research The team of Port Said University's International Student Administration - Dr. Mona Nashaat, Coordinator for the marketing platform at the university’s international student administration - Dr. Basma Elmowafy, Coordinator for the postgraduate students Affairs at the university’s international student administration - Dr. Nouran Nabil, Coordinator for the undergraduate students Affairs at the university’s international student administration
Abridged submission
Port Said University has responded to the changing landscape of higher education by implementing innovative recruitment strategies aimed at attracting diverse student demographics. A comprehensive rebranding effort highlighted the institution's commitment to diversity and academic excellence, expanding its applicant pool and enriching campus diversity. Collaborative marketing initiatives with governmental bodies and external stakeholders extended the university's reach through various channels, including social media and outreach programs. Persistent tracking of campaign performance revealed significant increases in international student enrollment and field-specific applications, indicating the success of these efforts. Port Said University's innovative approach prioritizes inclusivity and fosters a dynamic learning environment, aligning with its mission to empower individuals from all backgrounds through education.
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The University of Jordan

Submission title or project name
One Home Campaign
Nominee or key personnel
His Excellency Professor Dr. Nathir Obeidat (President) Professor Dr. Faleh Sawair, Vice President for Global Rankings and International Accreditation Dr. Zaid Obeidat, Director of International Program, Alumni and marketing Unit Dr. Ala Saleh, , Director of International Program and marketing Department Mrs. Ghadah Al-Zubaidi, Head of International Marketing Section Miss Mayy Salah, Head of Logistic Support Section
Abridged submission
The University of Jordan (UJ) embraces diversity through its "One Home" campaign, fostering a sense of belonging among students, faculty, staff, and alumni. UJ actively recruits students from diverse nationalities and backgrounds, enriching the learning environment and promoting collaboration and mutual respect. Through direct marketing efforts like school visits and educational fairs, as well as partnerships and digital marketing initiatives, UJ extends its reach globally, attracting students from various backgrounds. As a result, UJ has seen a significant increase in student diversity, with representation from 84 nationalities, ensuring educational opportunities for all and contributing to the university's growth and success.
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University of Hertfordshire hosted by Global Academic Foundation

Submission title or project name
Enhancing the volume and academic diversity of the student body.
Nominee or key personnel
Key personnel: Mrs Hanan El Saadawi, Director of Business Development, University of Hertfordshire hosted by Global Academic Foundation; Mrs Marian Makary, Director of Marketing.
Abridged submission
Being a university that launched in 2019, the challenge of growing student numbers whilst maintaining quality and diversity is ever present. Following the 2022 recruitment cycle a decision was made to overhaul our approach to reach a target a minimum 50% increase in 2023 from a more diverse range of qualifications and backgrounds. This was achieved by a 10-point OKR based strategic plan coordinated between the student recruitment and marketing teams. The ability to track application data and respond to market needs in an agile way provided new opportunities for engagement with prospective students and especially with key school partners. The outcome of the approach was to see student recruitment into the International foundation year increased by 55% and with greater brand awareness in market, partly driven by our social media presence, we also observed interest from students wishing to transfer into level 4 and level 5 of study.
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Teaching and Learning Strategy of the Year

Abu Dhabi University

Submission title or project name
Teaching and Learning Strategy of the Year: Abu Dhabi University’s Comprehensive Approach
Nominee or key personnel
-Dr. Sreethi Nair -Dr. Hamad Ebrahim Ali Odhabi -Dr. Mohamed Fteiha -Dr. Gary Williams -Dr. Ghassan Aouad -Mr. Stephen D'Cunha -Ms. Merlyn Kulapurath
Abridged submission
Abu Dhabi University, a leading UAE institution, utilizes advanced technology and innovative teaching methods, including VR, smart screens, and advanced labs, to prepare students for a technology-driven world. ADU's teaching excellence is based on evidence-based strategies, with research, benchmarking and student feedback shaping its curriculum. The university prioritizes faculty development through the SMART Learning Center, which has improved teaching quality and student satisfaction. The university also encourages interdisciplinary and cross-national learning projects, preparing students for the global workforce. ADU's commitment to sustainability is integral to its vision and mission, with a comprehensive Strategy embedded in its curriculum. The Academic Success Center provides tailored support across all courses, resulting in an increase in student retention, a rise in graduate employability, and enhanced student satisfaction. ADU students' achievements in competitions demonstrate the quality of education and mentorship provided, preparing them for the next generation of local and global leaders and innovators.
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Highly commended

Gulf University

Submission title or project name
Gulf University's Teaching & Learning Strategy of the year
Abridged submission
Gulf University (GU) has a teaching strategy that focuses on preparing graduates for successful careers and community engagement. The strategy centers around project-based learning and incorporates digital tools such as Poll Everywhere, Kahoot, and the Moodle platform for interactive sessions. To maintain quality in the transition to online learning, GU makes use of Moodle as a learning management system. Students can access learning resources, participate in discussions, and take quizzes through this platform. Exams are conducted online, with students required to be physically present at the university lab using lockdown browser technology. Instructors also engage in reflection and receive support for best practices through committees and the Teaching Excellence and Technology Centre. Overall, GU's commitment to technology and student engagement promotes innovative teaching methods and creates a rewarding learning experience.
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Lebanese American University

Submission title or project name
Quality Open, Online Learning
Nominee or key personnel
Center for Innovative Learning
Abridged submission
In 2023, the Lebanese American University embraced open, online education as an innovative facet of its already robust teaching and learning environment; an environment that emphasizes high-quality pedagogy through its Faculty Fellows Program, a host of workshops, one-on-one training, and cutting edge edTech provided through the Center for Innovative Learning (CIL). Specifically, in Fall 2023, LAU launched “A Crash Course on Media and Palestine” as a free, open, online course running in parallel to LAU’s existing, in-person 3-credit course, “Media and Palestine”. Additionally, in summer 2023, LAU’s CIL worked to craft an Arabic course for beginners which was launched in Spring 2024. Both courses are fully open to the public and require no payment.
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New Giza University

Submission title or project name
NGU learning journey explores the unusual, redefines the possible by challenging the ordinary
Nominee or key personnel
Prof. Dr. Manal Mohamed Maher Dean of School of Pharmacy, Newgiza University (NGU)
Project URL
Abridged submission
School of Pharmacy, Newgiza University, aims to create a transformational learning experience through innovation, self-learning, and hands-on training. The program pioneers Egypt's first inter-professional education for the healthcare sector. The independent research module is the crowning jewel of research, where each senior student designs, performs and presents their research, yielding several internationally published articles presented at scientific conferences. Senior students participated in the GenZ and Bio-iChallenge competitions to find an innovative solution to fill an industrial gap. The flipped classroom, along with the design and execution of a new business model with pitch presentation and promotional videos, aimed to improve pharmacy practice. The program introduces two tracks of industrial innovation: AI-based drug design and operational drug manufacturing. NGU fosters excellence through recognition and awards for top academic achievers. Graduates are empowered with comprehensive learning experiences to become catalysts of change, realizing that every successful treatment operates as an ecosystem.
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Prince Sultan University

Submission title or project name
Crafting an Agile Curriculum: Maximizing Digital Tools and Adaptive Learning for Higher Education
Nominee or key personnel
TLC Team Members: Dr. Connie Mitchell, Dr. Yasir Javed, Dr. Shabir Hussain, Ms. Sofia Adan, Ms. Saima Rasheed, Ms. Sara Aloumi, and Ms. Reem Alsaleh. Dean of DQAD: Prof Mamdouh Alenezi
Abridged submission
Prince Sultan University (PSU) places lifelong learning at the heart of its mission, with the Teaching and Learning Center driving this ethos among faculty, staff, and students. PSU's innovative strategy incorporates AI technology and reflective practices to nurture personal and professional growth. In collaboration with Coursera during the 2022-2023 academic year, PSU significantly expanded online learning opportunities, benefiting 6,481 learners, including students, faculty, and staff. The platform received positive feedback, with an average rating of 4.6/5, demonstrating its effectiveness. PSU intends to expand this initiative, reinforcing lifelong learning values and preparing students for future endeavors. This commitment underscores PSU's dedication to lifelong learning, aligning with its overarching educational mission. The session will explore PSU's approach, its broader impact beyond campus, and the importance of ongoing education in higher academia. PSU's commitment sets a precedent for institutions seeking to foster continuous self-improvement and societal advancement through lifelong learning initiatives.
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Qassim University

Submission title or project name
Teaching Anatomy Enhances Students Innovative Skills and Engagement
Abridged submission
Qassim University College of Medicine (QUCOM) identifies innovative teaching practices and rewards creative teaching strategies by awarding the best teachers according to certain standardized evaluation criteria such as subject knowledge, teaching effectiveness, student engagement, innovation in teaching methods, and leadership. One of the major criteria in this awarding is the ability of the teacher to motivate students to express their creative skills in extracurricular creative educational efforts observed through their ability to contribute to scientific, cultural, or artistic exhibitions. QUCOM provides resources and logistics by setting up special exhibition locations such as galleries, exhibition halls, or distinct sections of campus buildings. It also offers the needed support including advice from instructors or mentors, planning and organization, supply with needed resources, and advertising of the show via university channels. In addition, it supports the organization of interdisciplinary exhibitions that highlight fields of study, such as science, art, or technology.
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University of Technology, Iraq

Submission title or project name
Educational Digital Transformation with Canvas LMS
Nominee or key personnel
Salih Saad Salih: 1st in Middle East Certified Canvas Educator (CCE) 2022 and Certified Canvas Technical Admin (CCTA) 2023, TOT holder in E-Learning by IREX 2021 and TOT holder in the Initiative Blended Learning in Iraqi Universities Program under the supervision of MOHE and UNDP 2024.
Abridged submission
University of Technology in Iraq is seriously and continuously seeking for a true educational digital transformation that meets the needs of HE to provide the best educational experience for all students and raises the value of the university locally and globally. Adopting #1 learning management system, Canvas LMS for HE, to implement an innovative teaching and learning strategy towards increasing students’ engagements, achieve students’ outcomes in safe and trusted blended and online learning environment. Our qualified team is the 1st in Middle East Certified Canvas Educator (CCE) and Certified Canvas Technical Admin (CCTE) to provide and ensure a high-quality learning experience leveraging Canvas LMS tools in Blended and E-Learning for all students and help them to maximize their potential. Moreover, achieving the success of implementing and sustaining this strategy. Surprisingly, implementation of this strategy is the cornerstone for the new THE Online Learning Ranking, which puts UOT-Iraq at the forefront.
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Zayed University

Submission title or project name Learning Experience Design in the Era of AI
Nominee or key personnel
Michael Pazinas, Specialist, Pedagogocial Innovation and Effectiveness, Center of Educational Innovation, Zayed University, Dubai
Abridged submission embodies Zayed University's commitment to adaptability in higher education through AI, blending Learning Experience Design with advanced AI technologies to create unique and hyper-individualised learning experiences. This professional development program empowers faculty to design education that meets individual student needs, emphasising a pedagogy-first approach. Through a comprehensive series of seminars and practical sessions, faculty across the disciplines learn to utilise tools like empathy maps and learner personas, ensuring personalised education at scale. The program integrates generative AI, machine learning, and Natural Language Processing to enhance learning, considering factors like emotion, motivation, attention and creative flow for a holistic approach. fosters a community of practice, encouraging innovation and recognising teaching excellence through awards and shared success stories. Its practical applications directly enhance student experiences, making learning personal and contextually relevant, reflecting the university’s strategic emphasis on innovative, technology-enhanced teaching that prepares students for a dynamic world.
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Technological or Digital Innovation of the Year

Abu Dhabi University

Submission title or project name
EmoAI: Diverse Distant-Students Deep Emotion Recognition and Visualization
Nominee or key personnel
- Prof. Mohammed Ghazal - Eng. Abdalla Gad - Eng. Maha Yaghi - Eng. Marah Alhalabi - Ala'a Harb -Dr. Ghassan Aouad -Dr. Hamad Ebrahim Ali Odhabi -Mr. Stephen D'Cunha -Ms. Merlyn Kulapurath
Abridged submission
The "Diverse Distant-Students Deep Emotion Recognition and Visualization" project initiated by Abu Dhabi University aims to revolutionize distance learning by identifying and analyzing the emotional dynamics of culturally diverse students in online lectures. We've meticulously curated a unique dataset showcasing emotions relevant to lectures among Arab students. Through advanced face detection algorithms, we've developed an emotion recognition model that ensures robustness against visual noise. Our approach has achieved significant accuracy rates—86.29% on a specialized dataset of Arab student emotions and 98.84% on the CK+ benchmark dataset, surpassing state-of-the-art methods. The scalability of our project is demonstrated by the positive engagement of over 250 participants in its pilot phase. The project's modular architecture and cloud-based infrastructure ensure its applicability across various educational formats, including large-scale lectures. Moreover, our system's integration into a user-friendly dashboard respects cultural sensitivities and privacy concerns, providing educators with real-time emotional insights to adjust teaching strategies dynamically.
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Al-Ahliyya Amman University

Submission title or project name
From Local to Global: The Transformative Mission of the Hourani e-Learning Center
Nominee or key personnel
Mr. Ashraf Nairoukh, Ms. Aleen Jack, Mr. Wael Anabousi, Mr. Ahmad Al Shalabi, Ms. Maison Othman, Ms. Rasha Hijaz, Ms. Arwa Abu Hakmeh, Ms. Rula Al Anbusi
Abridged submission
The Hourani e-Learning Center (HEC) at Al-Ahliyya Amman University (AAU) is diligently working towards the launch of Al-Ahliyya Amman Virtual University (AAVU), aimed at extending education opportunities to marginalized groups in the Arab region using Arabic as the language of instruction. This strategic initiative seeks to provide eager learners with limited access to education, catering to their diverse needs through various teaching strategies. Moreover, the HEC's investment in high-tech tools and extensive training for its team and academic staff ensures proficiency in delivering engaging online education. Furthermore, the center aims to boost societal engagement and academic growth through scholarships, workshops, research collaborations, and training opportunities. Looking ahead, once this mission is achieved, we envision expanding globally, establishing a sustainable impact, and empowering communities worldwide through learning, thereby opening doors to a brighter future for all.
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American University of Sharjah

Submission title or project name
Empowering Academic and Administrative Experiences through Technology
Nominee or key personnel
Dr Fadi Aloul, Dr Assim Saghayroun, Dr Lotfi Romdhane, Dr Imran Zualkernan, Dr Raafat Aburukba and Dr. Mostafa Shaban College of Engineering, American University of Sharjah
Project URL
Abridged submission
The AUS team is pioneering the digitization of academic and administrative processes through innovative AI and digital services, aligning with the goals of the THE Awards-Arab World 2024. Key projects include personalized learning experiences with AI integration, a centralized Graduate Portal enhancing efficiency and collaboration, streamlined course registration processes, and automated exam scheduling for improved student experiences. Additionally, a web portal facilitates student internships, bridging academia and industry seamlessly. These initiatives showcase AUS's commitment to technological innovation and student-centric approaches, making them strong contenders for recognition in the Technological or Digital Innovation of the Year category.
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An-Najah National University

Submission title or project name
Transforming Education and Innovation Through Immersive Revolution: The Virtual Reality Center at An-Najah National University (NVAR)
Nominee or key personnel
Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality Research Center Prof. Allam Mousa
Abridged submission
Establishing the Virtual Reality Center (NVAR) at An-Najah National University is a pioneering advancement in education, research, and community service within Palestine. This innovative initiative leverages immersive technology to enhance operations, aiming to boost performance and relationships with stakeholders. By serving a diverse range of groups and providing comprehensive training, the center equips individuals with essential skills for success in the digital era. Collaborations with industry leaders ensure proficiency in cutting-edge technologies. The center's impact is evidenced by training over 300 staff and 1500 students, creating thousands of lessons, and fostering engagement through AI integration. Despite challenges, the center extends its influence through virtual exchange and practical training, with a focus on education, research, virtual exchange, and capacity building. Positioned at the forefront of innovation, the NVAR center is set to transform education, research, and community service in the region.
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ESLSCA University

Submission title or project name
ESLSCA AI Assistant Admission Chatbot
Abridged submission
ESLSCA University has developed an AI-powered solution called 'ESLSCA Assistant Admission Chatbot (EAAC)' to streamline the admission process. This solution was created by a cross-functional team comprising the Digital Transformation and Technological Advancement Department, School of Computing and Digital Technology, students, and top management. The EAAC utilizes AI to automate and streamline various tasks within the admission process using advanced technologies like Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning. Its key features include a chatbot that interacts with prospective students, guiding them through the application process and providing updates on their application status. The EAAC also performs document processing, extracts and verifies information from application documents, screens applications, and manages communication with applicants. The implementation of the EAAC has resulted in a more efficient admissions process, with faster processing times and improved communication with applicants. The EAAC has also freed up staff time, enabling them to provide personalized support to
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Lebanese American University

Submission title or project name
Digitalizing the Strategic Planning at the Lebanese American University
Nominee or key personnel
Team of the Provost Office of the Lebanese American University (LAU)
Abridged submission
In a bold move to accurately track the evolution of its five-year Strategic Plan (SP), the Lebanese American University (LAU) adopted a fully digitalized process. One major problem with SP implementation and reporting is the inherent difficulty in acquiring and compiling data from different university units and schools to capture progress on the SP. The LAU SP software is a cloud-based multi-tenant solution, using Microsoft Office 365 database technology to store and manipulate SP data. It includes a fully digitized version of the SP, from Pillars, Goals, Actions, Action steps, to status reporting, statistical reporting, allocated budgets, supporting documents, and reporting comments. It provides a battery of automated reports describing yearly, aggregated, and cumulative SP targets, action steps, and action items, allowing for each unit and school, and for the Provost’s Office, to have full visibility on every aspect of the SP.
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The University of Jordan

Submission title or project name
From Siloed Data to Tech-Driven Excellence: UJ's Course Portfolio Platform Revolutionizes Quality Assurance
Nominee or key personnel
His Excellency Professor Dr. Nathir Obeidat, President Vice President for Global Rankings and International Accreditation, Professor Dr. Faleh Sawair Vice President for Quality & Accreditation & Strategic Plan Affairs, Professor Dr. Inaam Khalaf Director of Information Technology Center, Dr. Marwan Al-Tawil Assistant Director for Technical Affairs, Ahmad Hussien Kheraisat Project Director and Software Developer, Miss ARWA ALSAN'I
Abridged submission
The University of Jordan (UJ) faced challenges with scattered data and manual processes in quality assurance. Traditionally, course coordinators manually submit course portfolios each semester. Challenges included aligning course learning outcomes (CLOs) with program goals and ensuring compliance with the Jordan National Qualifications Framework (JNQF). To address these issues, UJ's Information Technology Center developed an innovative Course Portfolio Platform. Key features include integration with existing systems, automated data population, streamlined program-course alignment, enhanced transparency, and comprehensive reporting for decision-making. The platform has already proven its worth. It played a key role in achieving EVALAG and AACSB accreditations for UJ’s schools. Initially launched in select schools, its success led to university-wide adoption, now implemented in all twenty schools at UJ. Despite our limited resources and the need for diverse discipline-specific customizations, the UJ team continues to enhance the platform. Furthermore, they provide comprehensive workshops to facilitate instructors' transition to new platform.
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University of Warith Alanbiyaa

Submission title or project name
The National Assessment Centre of Medical Competencies (NACMC)
Nominee or key personnel
University President Prof. Ibrahim Saeed Al-Hayawi
Project URL
Abridged submission
The University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa is honoured for its innovative use of digital technology, enhancing functions across leadership, management, teaching, and research. Key initiatives include the Competence Centre’s training for medical students, improving practical skills through simulation software. Recognised at the Iraq Education Exhibition and Conference, the university's digital OSCE management system in Libya revolutionised medical assessments, enhancing efficiency and accuracy. Overcoming cultural and financial barriers, the university's initiatives are scalable and replicable, offering valuable insights for the education sector. This recognition highlights the university's commitment to excellence and innovation in higher education
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